Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Truely Family Friendly Employer

Just a public thank you to my immediate boss, Mick, and our CEO, Kelly for approving my request to work from home during June, July and August while 'my girls' are out of school. This will allow me to not only be a more hands-on parent for them, but to do some of the many other mom-duties needed during the summer ("can you take us to the pool today?", "we want to go to the library!", "I don't want to ride my bike to work today..." and on and on, right?)

Thank you UTAH FOSTER CARE FOUNDATION for your flexibility with my single parenting of these great girls!


Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder said...

Wow! That is so awesome of them! That will make the summer so much easier.

A GAL NEEDS... said...

Here comes summer! Now if it will just warm up! Enjoy it with your kiddos!