Monday, October 26, 2009

Share a little Care Giving With Your Caseworkers, too!

It's getting tougher to keep up with this but I will do my best.
Two new girls moved in a week ago, so I have two sets of sibling girls! They are (so far) great for each other; they each have someone to play with; take walks with, ride scooters with :)

There's twice as much to think about with another sibling set; but I have a great caseworker with this second set of sisters. (I actually hired her when I worked at DCFS a number of years ago!) She returns emails very timely. I know she enjoys carmel & chocolate dipped pretzel rods, so I made her two on the night she dropped off the girls. I promise, it doesn't hurt to take care of the caseworkers you work with. DCFS in Utah is pretty broke these days (as many government agencies are, nationwide)...the supervisors there have no funding to buy bikes for their kids, let alone give a worker a $50 'pat-on-the-back' for a job well done. It will serve you well, if you can send them a note of 'thanks' a couple times a year (Mothers Day or Fathers Day and any other time you think of it). Get to know your caseworkers; what motivates them (dipped pretzels?) a note from one of 'their kids' (one of the kids on their caseload); a school picture, an invitation to a graduation, etc.

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