Thursday, February 4, 2010

Foster Care Reimbursement Going Down??

I've been around the child welfare world in Utah a pretty long time, but not as long as others. The 2010 Legislature is in session. The big talk in the child welfare system is that "they'll be voting to cut reimbursement rates this month!" Let me add, for a second year in a row. AND not only reimbursement rates, but there's an unspoken "hiring freeze" within Human Services as well. Which means caseworkers have ever-growing caseloads. (But that part of the problem is not what I am addressing in this blog, today).
I wish three or four legislatures would take the challenge of becoming a foster family. I would bet my home that those legislatures would have an incredible positive influence on the increase of services (including financial reimbursement) for this vulnerable popuation within their first year of having these kids in their home.
I called a few KENNELS across the Wasatch Front; (and I encourage you to check this out yourself) check on the daily rate these kennels get for caring for cats and dogs. I was blown out of the water when I heard that the ranges are $25, $30, $45 (and higher) a day while Utah foster parents get an average of $15, $17, $19 a day to care for our abused and neglected children. News articles have appeared in the past in many papers or on a number of tv news shows that inform us that reimbursement rates are going down and that Utah is already WAY BELOW many other states in this area. We are a child friendly state. We love children in Utah. We love service opportunities in Utah. BUT REALLY FOLKS??
I'm an animal lover, too. I would never abuse/neglect an animal. I believe we should protect populations who can not protect themselves (animals, disabled people, the elderly, and abused/neglected children) and I do not think we should pay LESS for the care of our animals while housed and cared for in a kennel.
I'm proposing a REIMBURSEMENT RAISE for our Utah foster families. I'm proposing that a few currently serving legislatures get licensed to be a foster family and THEN create some helpful bills to keep Utah on the cutting edge of Child Welfare services.
I want to know who the FREAKING IDIOT is who thinks foster families are making money each month as they care for thes kids. As a foster parent, I am almost paying out more each month than I am reimbursed by the state. I'm doing this because I want to be a parent and I want to reunite families if at all possible. But I am not independently wealthy enough to PAY OUT MONEY FOR HELPING FAMILIES.

We need to show families in Utah that we value them for volunteering to take in abused or neglected children; to take them to their therapy appointments, their family visits, court appointments, to deal with night terrors, rages, oppositional defiance, to balance their time with their biological or adopted children with these new foster children, and even to mentor birth parents. It's a tough job. I'm building enduring relationships. I'm learning so much about my parenting abilities. But I can not afford to PAY FOR this opportunity. Most can not afford to pay for this parenting challenge/opportunity.

DON'T CUT REIMBURSEMENT RATES. Let Utah remain a national leader in child welfare and build our reputation of having awesome family services. There must be a way. I'm offering to participate on a panel/board to find answers. USE ME!!


A GAL NEEDS... said...

Wow Nancy, great case and well-stated! I can't imagine providing for a child's needs on an ongoing basis for that amount. It's just not feasible. I hope the word gets out there somehow and something gets done. We need more quality foster-care homes such as yours, but to attract that, we need to provide them with the means to do so.

Unknown said...

Nancy, thank you for your post. it speaks mountains of truth.