Sunday, November 15, 2009

She's 13 today!

So, today is the 13th birthday of one of 'my girls'. I asked her today if she thinks her mom is thinking about her. She said, 'what mom?' and I replied "Your birth mom! The mom who gave birth to you." She shrugged. I excitedly said, "Oh, I'm sure she is! You were her first born, she'll never forget this day!" My 13 yr old smiled and asked, 'You think she'll remember me because I was her first baby?". "ABSOLUTELY!" I smiled back.

Last Friday (13th) we had a party at Classic Skating, and I paid for 13 kids to skate and celebrate with us. I videotaped it. I've got her doing the Hokey Pokey with the rest of the skating crowd! I met two of her sisters I had never met before. I was so grateful that these other foster parents (of my kids' siblings) took time out of their lives to share this important day with us.

But today is her actual birthday. My parents sent her 13 crisp dollar bills and she opened that card today. She said, "They even smell new"! She doesn't want to fold them! One of her foster sisters gave her a really cute pink tie-dyed shirt with a giant peace sign on it; which she chose to wear to church. That's cool. You only turn 13 once. And at least she's GOING to church!!

Do you know what she wants to do with the $13? She wants to go to a store and buy everyone in our home their favorite candy bar. Well, I don't say 'no way' often, but I certainly nixed that idea. I want her to spend it on herself. So, she then decided to save 1/2 of it in her bank account and keep the other 1/2 available for reckless spending! :) That I am okay with.

Today I am thinking about her birth she thinking "I wonder if my baby is happy... I wonder if she is thinking about me? I wonder what she looks like...I wonder....". I will keep her in my prayers today.

Does that birth mom cry on this day? I absolutely will go to my grave believing that she knows what day this is and is thinking about her daughter, who is in my home today, who will be having pot roast, potatoes, corn, rolls and choc chip cookies for dinner, who loves to dance, who loves animals, Miley Cyrus, scary movies and flamin' hot crunchy cheetos....she needs a forever two parent family and I know she is close to getting one!


Rachel said...

Yes, her mom is thinking of her today.....I do believe she is....

Kelli Frame said...

I guess I always imagined that foster care was for kids who would be returning to their parents once the parents worked out whatever troubles they were having. So it surprised me when you said you hoped she will soon get a "forever two parent family."

Thank goodness you're there for her. Thank you for doing what you're doing. If I had to guess, I'd guess that mother thinks of her child every day, and especially today.

Answer to Many said...

You are an amazing parent to her! She is so lucky to have spent time in your home. The party is all my girl has talked about. Raved about how wonderful it was and how great it was to see all the kids. You did a great job!
I think about my girl's birth mom alot too, I have to agree that she has to think about her.

Anonymous said...

And bless her foster mom who was definitely thinking about her and making things fun for her birthday. I'm proud of you Nancy.


Alisa said...

My hubby was adopted. Even almost 42 years later, he still wonders if his birth mom thinks about him. Afterall, she gave birth to him two days before Christmas. She was a single college student who found herself pregnant after a 3 week fling with a basketball player at the school. She was a junior majoring in music of some kind who played the cello 8 hours a day. We know nothing more of her. But, I can't see how she can go through a Christmas season without thinking of her first-born. Tell your girl "happy birthday" and that many other people, including her birth mom are/were thinking of her on her special day!