Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Stuff No One Really Sees

I hired a number of caseworkers during my tenure at DCFS. Most are still there, but today I have two girls in my home that are on the caseload of K.B. (I'm not sure I should use her name without her permission)...KB called me at 8p tonight; she needed to re-schedule our home visit because she just met with one of her new foster families for two hours and she wanted to know if she could come tomorrow instead. So, of course I rescheduled with her....

Many people who criticize DCFS workers never know of the committment they have for their work. Real Social Workers, like KB, love children, believe in families, have integrity and learn how to balance justice and mercy. I am very proud of the workers in Western Region...and the administration who guide and serve with them. I am proud to still be peripherally connected to them as a trainer for the foster parents they place children with.

Child Welfare is a TOUGH job and anyone who can stick with it deserves way more than they currently get from the legislature, the press and the nay-sayers.

1 comment:

ibanezfam said...

I have to agree that KB is an amazing worker! :)